Thursday, November 15, 2012

Through the Looking Glass

Hi it's Grace, Camden and Lauryl today. Well technically, I'm the one writing it but they each had input. On Monday we went on an outing with our rock climbing club. The trip was to Looking Glass Rock in Pisgah Forest.  We went there to go bouldering. 

When we first saw Looking Glass we couldn't believe it!  We probably didn't have the best view on Monday because it was overcast and rainy, but it was still impressive. There were only three other members of club team there so we got a lot of help from the coaches. After a bit of a hike, we reached a field of boulders at the base of Looking Glass. Everything was kind of soggy so we were limited in what we could do, but it was still fun. To quote Camden "It was awesome!" 

Now technically Lauryl hadn't joined the team so she couldn't really climb, but she wanted to sooooo bad that afterwards she decided to join the club too.

The bouldering was interesting because we were probably only 2 feet off the ground most of the time. We spent most of the time just trying to work our way up the side. After practicing on some boulders we took a hike up to the actual base of Looking Glass.  It was really neat!  About five feet of it was climbable but everything above that looked like you'd have to be spider man to do. We stayed in a five foot area, but we did a lot of traversing.  Traversing is when you move side to side along the rock rather than up and down. Our coach also put some white chalk in certain areas so we could try to reach there. By this point in the trip, even Lauryl was trying to do some climbing.  She just couldn't resist!

Once we finished our bouldering trip, we went back to the rock gym for club practice, and by the end of it we were all exhausted. Now Lauryl didn't actually come to the rock gym because she still wasn't a member, but she did go to zumba with my mom.  It was a super fun day.  Tonight we have club again in the gym and Lauryl will be joining us.  We all can't wait!!!!

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