Saturday, January 28, 2012

Getting Ready

Today I made my trip to AAA to pick up maps. It's hard to believe sometimes that this is really happening. I can't wait 'til we can hit the road and really take in this amazing country where we live.

I picked up maps for Tennesse, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and Kentucky. I'm not sure how far we'll get but I sure hope we can do it all!

So for those of you following our adventures please weigh in and share places you've fallen in love with. Tell us great places to eat, where we should camp, sights we don't want to miss and stuff we should avoid. I have no problem learning from the experience of others. The planning has begun!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Day

Got up early this morning to a warm camper even though there was snow on the ground. We set up two space heaters just in case the propane ran out during the night. It was so cozy and felt truly like home. I was so anticipating a hot cup of coffee and my Maple Donut from Market as I watched the morning news. Sadly, as my sweet java began brewing so did the over exhausted fuse and I was left without power, heat or coffee.

Thanks to my amazingly patient husband and a trip to the breaker, I was back in business less two space heaters.

So these are the things we are learning about life in a camper thus far. There are definitely new challenges, but I must say that I am loving the adventure of it all and we haven't even hit the road yet.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We spent our first two nights in the camper as a trial run.  Our first night was the coldest of the year so far.  I think it got down to about 12 degrees.  All was well until the first propane tank ran out.  Besides needing to get up and switch tanks during the night, it wasn't a big deal.  I think I was the only one who really noticed.  I hate being cold!  This was one of the many lessons I'm sure we'll learn along the way.  

Our second night was much more comfortable.  It wasn't as cold outside and the camper maintained a pretty consistent temperature.  I'm glad we're going to have some time over the next several weeks to figure all this stuff out before we hit the road.  I think it will make our overall travel experience much more enjoyable.

I did some grocery shopping yesterday and was able to stock our pantry and refrigerator.  Surprisingly I have a good deal of space for food.  I bought a coffee maker and toaster too!  It was so nice to have a cup of coffee this morning and sit and watch the news in my cozy space.

Monday, January 9, 2012


2011 ended with the sale of our home and pending hope for the year ahead.  We decided several months ago that we wanted to take this time in our lives to experience all the things we've only talked about.  So often we hear stories about people doing incredible things; taking phenomenal risks only after something tragic happens in their lives. We made the choice to do something simply for the joy of it.  Yes, it's crazy, but truth be told, some of the most profound moments in history came after a bout of complete insanity. 

So here begins our 2012!  I hope you enjoy following the Meile's many adventures this year.  Please feel free to comment and share our posts;  and let us know you're along for the ride.

Stay tuned for the preparation of our "new" older camper later this week.