Monday, January 21, 2013

Life in the Mountains

Whale Back put in on the Davidson
Looking Glass after rain
It's been quite some time since I last wrote. Life in the mountains suites us well and we are enjoying even the day to day activities.  The weather here is simply beautiful.  It is a combination of spring and fall most of the time.  We were expecting snow last week, but it was just too warm to get any of the powdery stuff.  We could see some snow on the mountain peaks along the Blue Ridge Parkway, but that was the extent of it.  We did have four days of rain, but even that wasn't so bad.  Most of the creeks were up which meant Dave had more opportunities to kayak.  He ventured down the Davidson and the North Fork of the French Broad.  He even got to run Hooker Falls!

Hooker Falls on the Little
The kids started back to climbing last week.  They really missed being in the gym and were excited to see their friends.  Lauryl is taking hip hop on Friday's and she also started with a new violin teacher last week.  Her and Grace are taking part in the Transylvania Youth Strings orchestra program too.  Camden started basketball after the New Year.  He is the tallest on his team!  They won their first game on Saturday thanks to several of his baskets.  I am working on  getting my photography projects in some of the local shops.  It's a nice outlet for me and something I truly enjoy.  Even with all these activities, the pace in Brevard is much slower than we use to keep, making life very enjoyable.

The kids are also making lots of friends here.  They've done sleepovers and we've had cookouts and we even enjoyed watching the Raven's Bronco's game with our new friends from Denver.

We will be in our little cabin until the end of March and then we have some travelling on our radar. We simply take each day as it comes and we enjoy it for all that it's worth.  I honestly forgot today was a holiday for most and that is an amazing feeling.  We still have much to see and explore around here so I will keep you all posted as new discoveries are made.  If you haven't been to Western North Carolina, you really must make the trip.  It is truly a wonderful place!