Trunk or Treat?
Hey everybody, it's Grace again, and yes I get to write about Halloween!!! I absolutely love Halloween! You not only get to wear a crazy costume, but you also get free candy. For Halloween I went as the poem, "The Raven," by Edgar Allen Poe, Camden went as Skeletor, and Lauryl went as Pinkalicious. We were extremely excited because we were getting to trick or treat in Transylvania County.
One unique thing we learned pretty quickly was about a tradition called Trunk-or-Treat. On Halloween night, numerous people park in a parking lot downtown and set up like a football game tailgate. At each car there was a person handing out candy. It was a really great idea since a lot of people live in the mountains rather than neighborhoods. By doing it this way, everyone gets to participate and there's an awesome sense of community!
While at the Trunk or Treat, we met up with my parent's new friends to go trick or treating. They have two kids, a six year old girl and a two year old boy. They were both dressed as pirates. It was so neat because everyone in the county came down to trick or treat right on the streets of downtown. We just walked down Maple Street and it was so crazy. First of all they actually block the streets off to traffic. So, at pretty much every house there was a line of kids 10 to 20 deep, waiting for their candy. It was great! There were kids of all ages too, not just little kids.
It was one of the best Halloweens I've ever had. I loved getting to trunk or treat and trick or treat with some friends even if they were younger then me. Definitely worth doing again. rock!
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