I sit here writing under the cover of our wonderful awning as rain finally falls in Fayette County, PA. The Youghiogheny River was showing only 1.28 on the gauge last evening. Dam releases have been restricted to Saturdays only so the outfitters are taking a hit this summer. Dave was hoping to run the Upper Yough again today, but with no water released it was a no go. So, the kids are watching movies and playing their iPods, I am blogging and reading on my new Kindle, and Dave is working and hoping to at least get down the Lower Yough later today.
The battle that took place at Fort Necessity was the first for 22 year old George Washington. He learned a lot in this battle especially because he lost. It was interesting to see the precursor to the American Revolution and the foundation that was laid for our country. The kids were also excited because they logged several hours of history time for school!
In the evening, I got to do a 7 mile bike ride on the heritage trail along the river. The kids and Dave jumped off the 12 foot rock they've come to love, into the chilly river water. I love to watch!
It's hard to believe the time here has passed so quickly. We come back to York next Wednesday to pick up a few things, set up for the Jeep show, and visit our families. In just two short weeks we'll be on the road toward Florida again; adding new stops to our journey and more adventures to share with you all.
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